Juniper Hill Farm is nestled between the Adirondack Mountains and Lake Champlain on the mighty Boquet River in Wadhams, New York. Established in 2007, Juniper Hill grew on three acres of fertile land; now, for their fourth CSA season, they cultivate over twenty acres. They’ve added more greenhouses as an effort to bring to market an earlier and higher quality variety of products.
During the summer, they can be found selling produce at seven farmers markets weekly, and provide a healthy quantity of wholesale goods to their local chefs. The quality of their CSA produce is evident by their diversified model of marketing.
Juniper Hill believes knowledge is power. They believe industrial foods, genetically modified and shipped around the world, are unsustainable and unhealthy. Their growing techniques exceed the requirements of the National Organic Program and Juniper Hill is recognized by New York State as a Certified Naturally Grown Farm.